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architect christmas 2014 1 card

All the best for the Christmas holiday and thank you for your support in 2014. We look forward to 2015 and hope to catch up soon in the new year.

My Christmas gift for this year was something that I whipped up myself. Have a look inside the card to see what I mean. Follow the jump to see how I did it.

1. Buy the best looking stainless steel card holder available. I found these at MUJI, inexpensive, high quality but nice and plain.

2. Print up my corporate ID onto a sticker backed sheet.

3. Stick these onto the inside cover of the card holders.

4. Fill the card holder with my business cards. I totally get that most people will toss these but thats okay, my sticker will hang around as a reminder… ‘Coooostanza’.

5. Get some good quality standard sized Christmas cards printed with a fold, thanks to Bambra Press in Port Melbourne.

6. Cut a slot to hold the card holder. Place the card holder in the card and done.

I hope you enjoyed them.

architect christmas 2014 2 card holder

architect christmas 2014 3 business cards
