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Flinders Street Station Design Competition (#FSSDC)


Our Flinders Street Station Design Competition entry. A collaboration with Mihaly Slocombe & Foong + Sormann with renderings by Robert Ventresca.

The shortlist of six architects is a veritable who’s who including some of the biggest guns on the globe: Herzog & de Meuron (Switzerland), Zaha Hadid & Grimshaw (both from the UK) along with some larger Victorian firms. The only anomaly in the list is the Columbian group of Velasquez + Pineda + Medina, one of whom is on sabbatical from his architectural degree (well done).

I’m looking forward to seeing all the Stage 1 entries soon, lets hope Major Projects Victoria take this opportunity and hold an online or physical exhibition as soon as possible. We may get some healthy debate and constructive criticism amongst Victorian architects and the community.

Lets also hope this competition goes full tilt and becomes a building some day in the near future, it would be frightening to think of all the man hours 117 firms committed. This would only have be worthwhile if the government follows through, regardless of which party is in office.

It was fantastic to be involved and all the best to the shortlisted entrants and the eventual winner, to be announced in July 2013, check back for updates. Or alternatively go to the Southern Thunderer as they (without rhyme or reason) were the first to break the shortlist news.
