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Volvo Electric Cabins


All car manufacturers are working with electric cars now and the technological side of things seems to be moving along very nicely thanks to the great work of our modern day Nikola Telsa; Elon Musk, refer to a few of my previous posts on Tesla here or Mercedes’ version here. Once the safety measures are fully ironed out, we will then be able to sit back and relax and literally take our hands off the wheel. Volvo have uploaded their concepts to the inter-webs and they look fantastic. Travel pods that turn into meeting pods or a relaxation mode in the form of a lounge or a bedroom on wheels. It’s a pretty cool idea travelling overnight and waking up refreshed at your destination. Apparently Volvo have gone a little further then most when considering safety, as only Volvo can. They have proposed a safety blanket in lieu of the seatbelt, this allows unrestricted movement when laying down however in the event of an accident the blanket becomes taut and holds the occupant in place… brilliant piece of design thinking, lets see how they go.

Check out the 10:30am appointment on the display window in the image above. I’ve also attached a few more renders below that look great. Via Jalopnik.
