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Christening a Ship

wally barong D 1 christening

Pictured above are the owners of a brand new Wally super yacht, Barong D, christening their vessel the other day. The tradition goes back thousands of years to the Romans & Egyptians in asking the gods to protect their sailors. To this day usually a lady breaks a champagne bottle over the bow of the boat with the contents wetting the ship before it enters the water. The ceremony is done in the hope to bring good luck to the vessel and it may also be a bit of a test to see if the bow doesn’t break from the impact. The flipside; its considered a bad omen if the bottle does not break. There are plenty of superstitions that have carried through the ages with the sport of sailing, it may be due to the sea being so unpredictable and unforgiving.

Barong D is the third in a line of yachts for this repeat client to Wally, previous iterations were Barong B & Barong C. Check the Wally website for more info and follow the jump to see a couple more images.

wally barong D 2 bulb

wally barong D 3 launch
