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Gold Medal for Peter Stutchbury

peter stutchbury invisible house photo by Michale Nicholson

If you don’t know of Stutchbury’s work yet then you should look him up. He is one of Australia’s masters in the esteemed company of Glenn Murcutt, Richard Leplastrier, Lindsay Johnston, Brit Anderson and others. All of whom are regular International Master Class tutors at the Architecture Foundation of Australia.

Peter recently won the AIA 2015 Gold Medal, Australia’s highest accolade and bestowed yearly however there have been years where the AIA did NOT give out the award, some tough years. Peter is a very deserving recipient as his projects are more site specific then most and also super inventive, his current home is a tent. He does not conform to styles or standard detailing which makes his work so special. The project above is the Invisible House in the Megalong Valley of the Blue Mountains, designed in 2012 and available for rent, crazy that you can experience this one first hand. Photo by Michael Nicholson.

* Update 10 May 2016: Today the RIBA (Royal Institute of British Architects) included this building in the long list for the “most significant and inspirational building of the year”, a big deal. Check the full list here at Dezeen, Zaha, Chipperfield to name a few.
