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ULO image 2 journal

Ulo is a new home surveillance camera concept designed by Vivien Muller of MU Design that is currently being launched through Kickstarter, refer to my past experience with Kickstarter here. This little device is a brilliant piece of design, while it looks incredibly cute the object is very smart and responds to touch commands with two little round LCD screens programmed to look like a pair of eyes. The reactions are fantastic with the eyes getting droopy when the battery is down, blinking when taking snapshots of your intruders or simply following the action. It needs WiFi to work then it sends gifs or images over the network when it detects movement. Pair this with IFTTT (pronounced gift without the ‘g’ and means If This Then That) Ulo can also do a whole lot more like change the eye colour to reflect the outside temps or get red eyes when the pollen count is high. The project has been funded and is apparently now in production. They had a goal of EU$199K but well exceeded this by reaching $1.6M, they are expecting pre orders to be sent out in early 2017 so stay alert. Great design is such a good thing. Check the designers Mu Design website here.
